CIVAS to Host the Art Aschools of Asia Program
On February 17, 2022, the Center for Indonesian Visual Art Studies (CIVAS), Aesthetics and Art Research Group FSRD ITB together with IVAA hosted the Art Schools of Asia program. The event, organized by the Asia Art Archive, aims to build the methodology and theory of art school history from the artistic, social, and political perspectives that exist in Asia.

In this activity, Dr. Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri, S.Sn., M.Sn. and Danuh Tyas Pradipta, S.Sn., M.Sn. explained the significance of FSRD ITB in the development of visual arts in Indonesia and international world through a study of archives owned by CIVAS. In this activity, CIVAS gave an explanation of how modernism and contemporary art in Indonesia are an important part of the development of Indonesia, both in colonial and post-colonial contexts. This program is attended by various groups, both national-international academics as well as professional artists and archivists.