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Doctoral Program in Visual Art and Design

Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program

Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Seni Rupa & Desain

Chair of Doctoral Program in Visual Art & Design

Dr. Irfansyah, M. Ds.

Doctoral Program in Visual Art and Design is one of the programs offered by Faculty of Arts and Design ITB for students who want to conduct research and explore the arts and design sciences with studies involving knowledge in various related fields such as science and technology. humanities, natural sciences, socio-cultural sciences, engineering sciences, historical sciences, communication sciences, and management. This program focuses on the scientific ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate. In this program, you will join a vibrant research community that also engages researchers in creative arts-related fields, and in areas such as archaeology, psychology, biomedical science, nanoscience, economics, social and political science, and sound engineering.

Competence of graduates

Graduates of this program are expected to be able to:

  1. become a scientist who has the ability to conduct independent research through the stages of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation 
  2. make new scientific contributions in the field of Visual Art and Design and apply this knowledge to improve the quality of life and welfare of the community



Course Semester

Research Pathway

Project Pathway