International Seminar
Dystopian Diffraction
Reconsidering Image-Making after Photography
October 18, 2022
10.00 AM Western Indonesia Time
In today’s realm of visual culture, the development of digital technology and information technology has caused the relationship between image and photography to be vulnerable to question. Various kinds of cameras – including their presence in mobile phones – make it possible for anyone today to easily produce images with all intentions and various skills. Then, the sophistication of digital technology made it easier for anyone to manipulate photographic images; today, a person can produce various images without carrying a camera. In the end, even in art photography, artworks no longer have to be produced through the process of “taking the usual” through dependence on a tool called a camera. In the situation of today’s visual culture, images are scattered everywhere freely, and anyone can access them as needed as “objects of discovery”.
As a reflective effort on the above background, we will direct our perspective to image-making after the era of photography. “After Photography”, according to Fred Ritchin, means examining the myriad ways in which the digital revolution has fundamentally altered the way we receive visual information, from photos of news events taken by ordinary people on cell phones to the widespread use of image surveillance. In a world beset by critical problems and ambiguous boundaries, Ritchin argues that it is time to begin energetically exploring the possibilities created by digital innovations and to use them to better understand our rapidly changing world.
This international seminar is a collaboration between the Visual Art Study Program, Faculty of Visual Art and Design, ITB with Bandung Photography Triennale 2022. This seminar will deliver four central perspectives from keynotes; they are;
– Asmudjo Jono Irianto (ITB, Indonesia)
– Dr. Ella Whateley (Monash University, Australia)
– Brian Arnold (Cornell University, USA)
– Sabrina Asche (Germany)
Ardhana Riswarie
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