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Master Program in Design

Chair of Master Program in Design

Dr. Andriyanto Wibisono, M.Sn.

Master’s Program in Design FSRD ITB provides space to explore design principles that will enhance your design practice through interdisciplinary research practices. During the program, you will be mentored by experienced teachers who are also design experts to expand and develop your theoretical design and research knowledge and skills to a higher level.

This program has seven design research area, including:

  1. Designs and Artifacts
  2. Design and Material
  3. Design and System
  4. Design and Visual Culture
  5. Design and Environment
  6. Design and Behavior
  7. Design and Information

To answer the public's need for design science, this program widely welcomes students from various scientific backgrounds, both from art and design programs and from non-art and design study programs.

Dr. Andriyanto Wibisono, S.Sn., M.Sn.


To optimize learning outcomes, the Master of Design Study Program offers two main lines of interest, namely:



Course Semester


This program prepares students for roles that combine design skills, design innovation, and strategic design to suit the needs of society based on interdisciplinary research practices.

Competence of graduates

Graduates from Master’s Program in Design are expected to master and develop design science through theoretical research and the study of design objects that can answer challenges in society.

Project & Thesis Title