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Craft and Tradition Research Group

“The wealth of nusantara crafts and traditions is a priceless national asset. Craft and Tradition Research Group will continue to strive to develop nusantara crafts so that they can be ready to compete to meet the challenges of the times.”

Research Group

Craft & Tradition

“The wealth of nusantara crafts and traditions is a priceless national asset. Craft and Tradition Research Group will continue to strive to develop nusantara crafts so that they can be ready to compete to meet the challenges of the times.”

General Information

Craft and Tradition Research Group focuses on developing nusantara crafts based on the interrelationships of science, technology, and art. The scope of the study in the Craft and Tradition Research Group revolves around the activities of creating functional and decorative products manually using specific media, both on a studio basis and a small and medium business scale. Some of the current programs run by Craft and Tradition Research Group include: 

  1. Mapping of Indonesian Craft Potential;
  2. Natural Material Research
  3. Development of Indonesian Cultural Local Identity;
  4. Craft Development in the Context of Creation; and
  5. Recommendations on Synergized Conservation and Innovation Strategy.

Research Cluster

The research developed by Craft and Tradition Research Group is centered on two research paths: theoretical research/study and work-based research. Both of these paths are currently in the development stage, leading to the advanced level, which includes: