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Dr. Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri, M.Sn.

Dr. Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri, M.Sn.

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Dr. Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri, M.Sn.

Dr. Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri, M.Sn.

NIP 19850322 201404 2 001


  • Bachelor of Design, FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Master of Art, FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Doctor of Art, FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia


  • Metodologi Artistik dan Proses Kreasi


Research Group

  • Aesthetics and Art

Research, Exhibition, & Community Service