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Nadia Arfan, S.Ds., M.S.M

Nadia Arfan, S.Ds., M.S.M

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Nadia Arfan, S.Ds., M.S.M

Nadia Arfan, S.Ds., M.S.M Profile

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Nadia Arfan, S.Ds., M.S.M

Nadia is an Indonesian textile crafter who started her curiosity about textiles in 2005 as a craft student at the Bandung Institute of Technology. Since then, his work has focused on Rust Dyeing and has been exhibited nationally and internationally. In 2012, she obtained a master's degree from the ITB School of Business and Management and started her career as a marketing manager in a fashion company. Nadia has worked and taught in creative fields such as craft, fashion, design, marketing, and entrepreneurship for several universities and companies in the last 12 years. Since 2018 until now, Nadia has been a teaching staff of the Faculty of Art and Design ITB and is actively involved in several community development programs. fashion. Nadia telah bekerja dan mengajar di bidang kreatif seperti kriya, fashion, desain, pemasaran, dan kewirausahaan untuk beberapa universitas dan perusahaan dalam 12 tahun terakhir. Sejak tahun 2018 hingga sekarang, Nadia menjadi staf pengajar Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB serta aktif terlibat dalam beberapa program pengembangan komunitas.


  • S1 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  • S2 SBM ITB, Bandung, Indonesia


  • Rust Dyeing
  • Textile Background Design
  • Craft Entrepreneurship
  • Craft Management



Research Group

  • Craft & Tradition


Community Service
