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Tri Hasdianto, S.Ds., M.Ds.

Tri Hasdianto, S.Ds., M.Ds.

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Tri Hasdianto, S.Ds., M.Ds.

Tri Hasdianto, S.Ds., M.Ds.Profile

Tri Hasdianto, M.Ds. are lecturers, researchers, and practitioners who have long experience in the world of design. Tri Hasdianto obtained a bachelor's degree with a specialization in Textile Crafts at the Bandung Institute of Technology and a master's degree at the same university. He has joined the teaching staff at the Craft Study Program FSRD ITB since 2019. Tri has professional work experience as a designer since 2006. In addition, Tri also acts as a multimedia consultant at museums/dioramas in several cities in Indonesia including Bale Panyawangan Diorama Purwakarta and Bale Panyawangan Diorama Nusantara in Purwakarta, the LAPAN Sumedang gallery, the TNI AD Dharma Wiratama museum in Yogyakarta, and the Gedung Juang Bekasi museum. Tri has an interest in Fashion Accessories, Craft Digital Presentations, and Rintang Dips. In addition, since 2019 Tri has been one of the researchers at Viewpoint.


  • S1 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  • S2 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia


  • Fashion Accesories
  • Resist Dyes
  • Museum Interactive Multimedia

Research Group

  • Craft & Tradition
