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Dr. Tyar Ratuannisa, M.Ds.

Dr. Tyar Ratuannisa, M.Ds.

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Dr. Tyar Ratuannisa, M.Ds.

Dr. Tyar Ratuannisa, M.Ds. Profile

NOPEG 117 110 023

Tyar Ratuannisa completed his studies at the Craft Study Program FSRD ITB in 2008, the Master of Design Study Program FSRD ITB in 2011, and the Doctoral Study Program in Fine Arts and Design FSRD ITB in 2021. Tyar Ratuannisa has been listed as a teaching assistant and research assistant since 2010, before finally being appointed as a permanent lecturer at PTN-BH in 2017. In addition to teaching activities, he is actively involved in research within faculties and between schools (FTI, STEI, and FTTM), as well as other institutions outside ITB such as the Pekalongan Batik Museum. Has other activities as a fashion designer and consultant, running the NUKINU sew & stitch fashion.


  • S1 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  • S2 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  • S3 FSRD ITB, Banfdung, Indonesia


  • Fashion Trend
  • Fashion Style
  • Ragam Hias dan   Pemetaan Warna Batik
  • Research Method

Research Group

  • Craft & Tradition

