Dr. Yan Yan Sunarya, S.Sn., M.Sn.
- Posted: August 26, 2021
- By: admin
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Dr. Yan Yan Sunarya, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Dr. Yan Yan Sunarya, S.Sn., M.Sn. Profile
Dr. Yan Yan Sunarya, S.Sn., M.Sn. is a lecturer and Indonesian batik expert. He studied S1 in Textile Design ITB (1993). Dr. Yan Yan is also noted to have received the title of Best Student I at FSRD level and Best III at ITB level. He continued his master's education in the ITB Design study program (1999) and followed his doctoral education in the ITB Fine Arts and Design study program (2014) and graduated with a GPA of 4 Cumlaude. In addition to his activities as a lecturer in the Craft study program FSRD ITB, Dr. Yan Yan is active in various organizational development activities, including as Secretary of Galeri Soemardja (1995-1998), Secretary of Craft Study Program (1998-2001) with an award from the ITB Rector: Ganesha Wira Adi Utama (2001), an award from the Indonesian Minister of National Education as a Writer The Best Book of Science and Technology at the National level with Agus Sachari with the title Modernism: A Historical Review of Modern Design (2000), Secretary for Master of Design (2000-2003), Head of Craft Study Program (2001-2004) & (2016-2018), Secretary of the Design Department (2004 -2005), Deputy Dean of FSRD Resources (2006-2010), Chair of the ITB Art & Design Doctoral Study Program (2018-2020). In addition to this, Dr. Yan Yan was also noted to have been the curator of the longest batik (400 m) of Komar batik which was also recorded as a MURI record (2005), an evaluator of the Indonesian Weaving Cita training (2013-2016), a lecturer in fashion illustration YCIFI KOFICE Korea-Kriya ITB (2016-2019) ; batik master certification; the board of the Indonesian Art Educators Association (APSI); the management of the Indonesian Weaving Craftsmen Certification Institute, sub-standardization of Weaving. Dr. Yan Yan is also a reviewer in various national and international journals, external examiner of master & Ph.D theses for example at (a) Ph.D Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia UiTM (2019); (b) Doctor of ISI Surakarta (2020-present); (c) Doctor of Padjadjaran University Bandung (2019-present); (d) Masters in USAKTI Jakarta (2014-present). Dr. Yan Yan also received various awards such as Karya Satya Lencana Devotion 10 years (2005) & 20 years (2018), Letter of Appreciation in YCIFI, GKL Foundation & KOFICE (Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange) (2018); ITB Lecturer Award for Teaching from the ITB Rector (2020). Modernisme: Tinjauan Historis Desain Modern (2000), Sekretaris S2 Desain (2000-2003), Ketua Prodi Kriya (2001-2004) & (2016-2018), Sekretaris Departemen Desain (2004-2005), Wakil Dekan Sumber Daya FSRD (2006-2010), Ketua Prodi Doktor Ilmu Seni Rupa & Desain ITB (2018-2020). Di samping hal tersebut, Dr. Yan Yan juga tercatat pernah menjadi kurator batik terpanjang (400 m) batik Komar yang juga tercatat sebagai rekor MURI (2005), evaluator pelatihan Cita Tenun Indonesia (2013-2016), dosen ilustrasi fashion YCIFI KOFICE Korea-Kriya ITB (2016-2019); master sertifikasi membatik; pengurus Asosiasi Pendidik Seni Indonesia (APSI); pengurus Lembaga Sertifikasi Perajin Tenun Indonesia sub-Standardisasi Tenun. Dr. Yan Yan juga menjadi reviewer dalam berbagai jurnal nasional dan internasional, penguji eksternal tesis magister & Ph.D misalnya di (a) Ph.D Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia UiTM (2019); (b) Doktor ISI Surakarta (2020-kini); (c) Doktor Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung (2019-kini); (d) Magister USAKTI Jakarta (2014-kini). Dr. Yan Yan juga memperoleh berbagai penghargaan seperti Karya Satya Lencana Pengabdian 10 tahun (2005) & 20 tahun (2018), Letter of Appreciation in YCIFI, GKL Foundation & KOFICE (Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange) (2018); Penghargaan Dosen ITB Bidang Pengajaran dari Rektor ITB (2020).
- S1 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
- S2 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
- S3 FSRD ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
- Teori-Kritik Desain Undergraduate Program in Craft
- Sundanese Batik
Honor & Awards
- Karya Satya Lencana Pengabdian 10 tahun (2005)
- Karya Satya Lencana Pengabdian 20 tahun (2018)
- Letter of Appreciation in YCIFI, GKL Foundation & KOFICE (Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange) (2018)
- Penghargaan Dosen ITB Bidang Pengajaran dari Rektor ITB (2020)
Research Group
- Craft & Tradition