kaprodi kriya
Dr. Yan Yan Sunarya, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Undergraduate Program in Craft is one of the oldest study programs in Indonesia focusing on the efforts to utilize a variety of craft in Indonesia. Since 1975, Undergraduate Program in Craft has made a significant contribution to the development of creative industries in Indonesia and abroad. Craft includes knowledge and expertise that is based on skill, dexterity and mastery of the medium, which is now multi-interdisciplinary and contextual. The close connection between craft and history, the environment, and the traditions of the people who create it shows a dialectical understanding of modernity in the constellation of the progress of the spirit of the times.

Jalur Peminatan
Program studi kriya menawarkan dua jalur peminatan bagi mahasiswa, yaitu:

Kriya Tekstil
This pathway focuses on the creation of textile product for fashion, interiors, accessories, and so on. Students will learn various concepts, motifs, raft designs, background designs, materials and dyes, fibres, threads, fabrics, smartextile, and other.

Kriya Keramik
This pathway focuses on making ceramic craft innovations based on techniques and processes for making ceramics, ceramic materials and decorations, as well as combinations of other materials in ceramic craft.
Struktur Kurikulum
Overview Kurikulum
Seluruh mahasiswa akan menjalani pendidikan pada program tahap persiapan bersama (TPB). Mahasiswa akan dikenalkan dengan berbagai subjek mata kuliah dasar. Selama periode ini mahasiswa tercatat sebagai mahasiswa fakultas/sekolah. Pada akhir tahun pertama, mahasiswa akan memilih program studi atas dasar minat dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa.
Mahasiswa sudah masuk ke program studi yang dipilih. Di tahun kedua seluruh mahasiswa akan melakukan eksplorasi akademik melalui subjek-subjek mata kuliah yang ditawarkan program studi.
Mahasiswa akan mulai melakukan konseptualisasi dan spesialisasi keilmuan.
Mahasiswa mulai melakukan proyek tugas akhir sebagai salah satu persyaratan pemerolehan gelar sarjana.
Course Semester
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Kriya Tekstil | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Kriya Keramik | |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Kriya Tekstil | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Kriya Keramik | |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Kriya Tekstil | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Kriya Keramik | |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mahasiswa program studi kriya memiliki peluang untuk bekerja di berbagai bidang seperti
- Designers
- Artist
- Stylist
- Entrepreneurs
- Designer Consultant
- Fabric designer
- Fashion Editor & Wardrobe
- Fashion Designer
- Craft Academic Researcher.
- Etc.
Kompetensi Lulusan
Undergraduate Program in Craft gives birth to medium-empowered creative craftsmen towards wearables who see the world of craft as a dynamic-progressive science and skill. That is, apart from being awareness to traditional and modern craft activities–where artifact, ethnographic and traditional art forms the basis–it is also exploratory, adaptive, even inventive towards existing problems and needs. Including his fluency in reading the medium as a dynamic of science and technology both in the field of expertise/scientific textiles and ceramics which has an impact on the creation of networks and potential stakeholders.