The Master’s Program in Multidisciplinary Design Leadership and Digital Media Design is a postgraduate program resulting from collaboration between the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) ITB and other faculties/schools within ITB. This program aims to generate pioneering master’s graduates who comprehend the swift evolution of knowledge, especially within the realm of regional development and digital technology. Through a multidisciplinary approach, students in the FSRD Multidisciplinary Master’s Program will be trained in creative thinking, empathy, and mastering the necessary technical skills.
The intake for the FSRD Multidisciplinary Program includes 70% of Master’s Design courses and 30% from partner faculties (SAPPK for Design Leadership or STEI for Digital Media Design). This ensures that students have a broad understanding of various fields of knowledge and enables them to create innovations that have real/practical impact and can be effectively applied in our society.
Design Leadership
The Multidisciplinary Master’s Program is divided into Regular and Executive admission pathways. The Regular Pathway includes students who pay tuition fees (BPP) individually and who receive scholarships. Meanwhile, the Executive pathway is intended for students who take part in collaboration programs between two or more agencies.
Digital Media Design
Digital Media Design is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of design, technology, and communication to create engaging and effective digital experiences. This field encompasses a range of disciplines and skills to design and produce various forms of digital content, including websites, mobile apps, interactive media, animation, and more. Here’s a breakdown of what Digital Media Design typically involves.

Skema Program dan Pembelajaran
- Pembelajaran teori yang berkolaborasi dengan praktisi profesional yang dilakukan di dalam kelas.
- Kerja kelompok aktif antar mahasiswa dalam membahas suatu isu atau topik yang relevan.
- Penelitian di lokasi spesifik (Site-specific research) bekerjasama dengan stakeholder
- Field trip/ Internship pada mitra institusi pendidikan dan penelitian, museum, galeri, atau komunitas.
- Kerja lapangan/ Fieldwork dilakukan secara mandiri atau berkelompok .
- Pameran Thesis di ruang publik yang dilaksanakan di akhir masa perkuliahan.
- Mentoring/ pendampingan dilakukan oleh dosen aktif, dosen praktisi, dan pemimpin di lembaga-lembaga terkemuka.

Pendekatan Sistemik Desain
Mahasiswa akan mempelajari berbagai pendekatan desain yang dapat membawa perubahan secara sistemik melalui berbagai kegiatan perkuliahan yang akan dilaksanakan di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) dan Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK).
Our Guest Lecture
This is your Team section. It’s a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don’t be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team